Home News Gaming Exciting PlayStation 5 update skips PS5 game downloads

Exciting PlayStation 5 update skips PS5 game downloads


Sony has confirmed that the next exciting PlayStation 5 feature will arrive in 2022 and is being built with next-gen gaming in mind.

This is good news for owners of PlayStation 5 consoles, as there’s still a minimal amount of next-gen games and experiences to enjoy on their shiny new consoles.

By leaving the PS4 behind, it gives Sony a lot more power to play with when it comes to creating new features, including for games and the platform itself.

And the next big download for gamers on PS5 will be a new tournament feature, something that’s been missing from the system since launch.

The news was shared by PlayStation’s Jim Ryan, who shared some key updates at CES 2022, revealing, “This year we also plan to introduce a new tournament feature on PS5.”

Unfortunately for us, there was no word on when this new feature would be coming, but it sounds like it’s planned for the coming months.

Ryan also shared some exciting news about how many next-gen projects are in the works for the PS5, adding:

“Under the PlayStation Studios family, we now have a total of 17 studios.

“And we look forward to seeing these teams shine as they unleash their creative talents and add their own sense of innovation to our first-party portfolio.

“Innovation on PlayStation 5 extends to the platform experience itself as well. And in the first year, we’ve already added new features to the console, such as 3D audio on TV speakers and sharing between PS5 and PS4.

“This year we also plan to introduce a new tournament feature on PS5. Innovations for us at PlayStation also mean we’ll be leading the way in exploring new technology that unlocks new entertainment experiences.”

So not only are we working on the new features for the PS5, but there are also plenty of irons in the fire that could use a new tournament system.

A new PlayStation 5 update has been announced (Image: SONY)

We’ll have to wait to find out what the next plans are for the PlayStation 5, with events like E3 expected to trigger announcements from the major developers.

And new revelations have already started, with Sony confirming its plans to launch a new PlayStation VR headset.

This is called the PS VR2, and it offers a huge upgrade compared to the original.

One of the first games announced for the PSVR2 is Horizon VR: Call of the Mountain, which is experienced through a new character and plenty of new features for fans to enjoy in virtual reality.

The official announcement explains: “Created for PlayStation VR2, this unique experience is designed to drive hardware technology, innovation and gameplay. The stunning visuals and brand new PS VR2 Sense controllers give new meaning to being fully immersed in the world of Horizon .

“We don’t want to give too much away just yet, but this story is told through the eyes of a brand new character. You’ll also meet Aloy, other familiar faces and new characters along the way, and we’ll be introducing you to the main character of Horizon Call of the Mountain soon.”

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